Friday, 23 January 2009

The Story So Far

The Titanic

We have been investigating the Titanic, we have found a few artifacts. We have also been finding out what artifacts belong to who the artifacts include spectacle's, a maids dress, perfume and a tie pin. We had to write about the owners of these artifacts, we got split up into four groups and each group had a person to write about. We had been given a piece of paper and on the back of the paper we had to draw what you thought the artifact looked like. We also discovered that John Jacob Aster was the richest man on the Titanic and he died helping all of the other passenger. When all the lifeboats were gone all the people left dressed in there best clothes and waited until the Titanic sank.

Thursday, 15 January 2009

The Story So Far

The Titanic

A couple of weeks ago in our Mantle we did science about freezes, solids,liquids and gases it was great. We found out that icebergs where made out of compact ice some of the icebergs are nearly up to 17,000 years old thats along time; we also found out that you could find a varity of gases, solids, and liquids. Along side of that we made a massive 3D boat and had to work out where and when people worked; as well as doing all these great activitys we also did an experemant on ice lollies. We put put one on the radiator one on the book case one in a lunch bag and one in the fridge we found that the one on the radoiator melted first as it was the hottest. Never the less the one in the lunch bag was nearly melted so you can see that not all lunch boxes keep things warm.

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

My diary

April 4th 1912

I am so excited i think my head is going to blow.

We are finely going on the titanic we are in second class.I have seen elevators and sweeping stair case's.

1:15pm - Lunch it was very gay we had turkey, potatoes, sprouts, Yorkshire pudding, carrots, peas.

9pm - Bed time i feel really sleepy, full and tired.

Day - two: April5th

it was a lovely breakfast, lunch was better then ever i went on to the deck i saw some thing on the horizon it looked like a tiny ice berg.

Midnight we were woken up by a crew member, he said get on the deck as quick as possible
we have hit an ice berg! We were first on the life boat, we were so scared, I think it has been an hour. We have been picked up by the Virginia, some were picked up by the Carpathia and California. I never saw my dad again.
THE END!!!!!!